A ready to use bill of sale template is obtainable here for free and it is formatted in MS word, so a user can simply make changes in it. Bill of sale is a business document that is prepared about the sale transaction. This document is issued by seller to the buyer for keeping the record of the sales transaction. This document is contain the information about the sales activities, terms and condition of the sale, specific date, time, total price etc. this document is used as a proof of the transaction of the products between seller to the buyer and signature of both parties will be inserted in this document. Bill of sale is prepared in a professional format and prepared according to the need of the organization. Every sales company used this document for their company use. If you are looking for well prepared and well designed bill of sale template so we are offering you to use our selected bill of sale template which is specially designed for you. Your required content includes in this template and high quality color scheme is also use in this template that provide a very special look of this bill of sale template. Here we present our prepared bill of sale template for your assistances. Underneath you see the eye catching preview of our prepared bill of sale template. We have designed this template in MS Word so you easily edit this template as per your requirement. If you want to download this template so we provided you a download button below this image you just click on this button and download template for your own use.

Here is a preview of this bill of sale template.

Click on the download button and make this bill of sale template your own.

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